Cases Overview

The Cases module allows you to add, edit and manage cases related to clients. The cases contain information about clients like their immigration history, education history, employment history, spouse and parents' details, and much more.

You can view cases by simply navigating to the Case feature from the navigation menu.

There are two ways to use cases:

  • Edit-only mode.
  • View mode
  1. Edit-only mode can be accessed when you click the edit icon from the list view or when you click the Edit button from within the case. Both actions will lead you to the same destination i.e. the same window will open up where you can edit all the details related to a case.

2. View mode in a case can be accessed by clicking on the client name from the list view of cases. In this mode, you can edit and delete the case, view, related cases of the client, add documents, fetch forms, control the case experience for your client portal, add notes, add tasks, manage accounting details, and update the Immigration Status. 

Note: A case has two types of statuses. The first type is the case status, which can be found and updated in the header of the case. The second type is the immigration status which is also visible in the header but can be updated from the "Immigration Status" tab. The reasoning behind having these two statuses is to provide you with information regarding any updates related to case approval or rejection by immigration officials.

For example, there may be situations where immigration officials have reached a decision, but the client has not yet settled your invoice. In such cases, it is necessary to keep the overall case in a Pending Status, even if you have updated the immigration status to approved or rejected.

For more information, refer to the following sections:

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