Edit an Agreement

At any given point if you wish to make a change in the agreement or add some more details, you can edit the agreement.

Note: These steps are only for making changes to the agreement templates. If you want to change the agreement for a specific case, open that case and click on the agreement button. There, you can create an agreement for that specific case from scratch or modify the details retrieved from the template. Any changes made to the Agreement, inside the case, will not affect the template.

To edit an agreement, follow the steps:

1. Navigate to Agreements

The Agreements page is displayed. 

2. Click on the icon on the row of the agreement you wish to edit. 

The Edit Agreement dialog is displayed. 

3. Here, you can make all the required changes.  For more information on fields, refer to Add a New Agreement.

4. Click Update Agreement

The changes made to the agreement are saved.

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