Add a New Agreement

You can add any agreements related to your cases.  To create an agreement, follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Navigate to Agreements.

The Agreements page is displayed. 

2. Click Add Agreement.

The Add New Agreement dialog is displayed. 

3. Select the case to which you want to attach this agreement.

  1. When the toggle switch is enabled, you will have the ability to select agreement templates from your library of templates. This includes your templates and templates provided by Casolve.

  1. If you don't want to use any of the templates, you can simply turn off the toggle switch and continue moving forward.

6. Enter the details of the agreement in the text box provided. 

  1. The shortcodes can be easily dragged and dropped from the top panel into the text area. Each tag will automatically retrieve the information associated with it. Shortcodes consist of essential information typically needed in agreements.

Note: If you have included shortcodes in the agreement and that information is not available in Casolve, the shortcode will not be displayed in the preview mode, as anticipated.

There is no need to constantly update the agreements each time there is a modification in the data linked to the shortcodes. Once a shortcode is incorporated, the content in the agreement will automatically adjust unless it has been signed by the client.

Once the agreement has been signed by the client using our esignature feature, any updates will not be reflected in the signed agreements as anticipated.

8. Click Add Agreement.

Note: It is recommended to include all necessary details in the settings before adding agreements. This ensures that the data for the relevant shortcodes can be retrieved from their respective sources, as most of them are from the settings.

The new agreement will be added.

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