Add a New Invoice

You can add invoices with the details of fees related to retainers, expenses, flat fees, and also based on time entries.

Note: The invoice includes a single row for each section by default, but more rows can be added by clicking the Add button for any section. This includes all the sections i.e retainer section, time entries, and expenses.

1. Navigate to Accounting

The Accounting page is displayed. 

2. Scroll down and select the Invoices tab. Then Click Add Invoice.

The Add New Invoice dialog is displayed. 

3. Select the case from the Case dropdown list.

4. Select the client from the Contact dropdown list. 

5. Select the date of the invoice from the Invoice Date calendar.

6. Select the due date from the Due Date calendar. 

7. Select the retainer from the Retainer dropdown list.

8. Select the status of the invoice from the Status dropdown list. 

9.  In the Retainers section, all the details filled in the retainer will get auto-populated in the invoice but you can overwrite those here in the invoice.

Note: Any changes made to the retainer details retrieved in the invoice will not be reflected in the retainer. If you want to make the same changes in the retainer, you must do so manually.

The Total field is automatically updated. 

10.  In the Time Entries section, add the time entry details and hourly rates.

A. Select the time from the Time dialog. 

B. Enter the description in the Description field. 

C. Select the date from the Date calendar. 

D. Select the billed by detail from the Billed By dropdown list. 

E. Enter the hours in the Hours field. 

F. Enter the rate per hour in the Per Hour Rate field. 

G. Enter the taxes in the Taxes field. 

The Total field is automatically updated. 

11.  In the Expenses section, add the details related to expenses.

A. Enter the expenses in the Expense field. 

B. Enter the description in the Description field. 

C. Select the date in the Date calendar. 

D. Select the billed by detail from the Billed By dropdown list. 

E. Enter the quantity in the Qty field. 

F. Enter the price in the Prices field. 

G. Enter the taxes in the Taxes field. 

The Total field is updated as the other payment fields are filled. 

12.  In the Flat fees section, add details related to flat fees.

A. Enter the flat field in the Flat Fees field. 

B. Enter the description in the Description field. 

C. Select the date from the Date calendar. 

D. Select the billed by details from the Billed By dropdown list. 

E. Enter the quantity in the Qty field. 

F. Enter the price in the Prices field. 

G. Enter the taxes in the Taxes field. 

The Total field is automatically updated as the other payment fields are filled. 

13.  In the Notes, Terms & Conditions field, add any specific notes related to the invoice and also the terms and conditions of the invoice.

A. Enter the notes in the Notes field

B. Enter the terms and conditions of the invoice in the Terms and Conditions field.

The Total(CAD) and Total Taxes fields are automatically updated as Retainers, Time Entries, Expenses, and Flat Fees sections are added.

Note: The total calculation field cannot be edited, but the Total tax field can. It is critical to remember that any changes made to the Total Tax field will not affect any of the rows mentioned in the invoice. As a best practice, make changes in the rows rather than overwriting the Total Tax field.

14. Click Add Invoice

The Invoice is successfully added. 

Note: When you complete a transaction associated with an invoice, the Paid to Date and Balance(Total) in the invoice will automatically change.

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