Why do we need email for the minor dependents

We understand that minors won't have the email address. However, an email address is required for each applicant or client/contact.

As a workaround, we suggest using a dummy/any random email address so that the application process can be completed smoothly.

Why do we do this way?- A contact doesn't have an identification field to distinguish between minors and adults because a contact page/card is common for all types of contacts. (Agents/ Leads, Client, etc.)

That is why, the email serves as the main unique identification factor for each contact, preventing data pollution.

For example, We can't include a DOB field in the contact form to determine if the contact being added is a minor or an adult, as it goes against the purpose of the contact card. The contact in casolve is just like saving a contact on your phone, and most people don't fill in the DOB when saving a contact on their phones.

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