June 10, 2024 update

I'm thrilled to share some exciting new product launches and updates.

This required a lot of time, including days, nights, and weekends, but we finally successfully launched the much-anticipated Intake questionnaire feature.

You now have the freedom to share the questionnaires with anyone or seamlessly embed them on your website, ensuring they look great on any screen size with your logo on it.

Someone has walked into your office? you can ask them to fill out the questionnaire online, share the questionnaire links on your socials, during your webinars, seminars, newsletters, etc., and never have to worry about missed leads, prospects, and clients.

Other changes/Additions-

  • The setting menu has been cleaned with granular tabs for a better visual appearance and management.

You can find the previous product releases and updates here-

Many more exciting features will be launched in the coming days. Stay tuned.

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